Tuesday, January 2, 2018


Family and finances are inextricably linked. They can either be a source of strength and self-sufficiency, or a cause for worry in the event of financial instability. In the pursuit of deeper insights into relationships and finances, Prudential has launched the second edition of its Prudential Relationship Index (PRI 2017), a year after the inaugural report was launched. Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad’s Chief Brand Officer, Fiona Liao said, “PRI 2017 reveals that Malaysians are as concerned about their finances as they are about their relationships. We are keen to share insights from our study with customers and continue to tailor our financial products and services to help enrich their lives and enable them to build stronger relationships.” “Findings show that more Malaysians feel their partners are working on their relationship more in 2017 (79%) compared with 2016 (69%),” Liao said. “By identifying key drivers and influences, the PRI offers real understanding into key relationships in our lives, paving the way for greater relationship satisfaction for people in the country.”